On November 24-25, there was a solar eclipse in Sagittarius. On December 10, there’s a lunar eclipse in Gemini. Where solar eclipses usually concern external events, lunar eclipses are about inner events, our emotional reactions, our deeper feelings.
On December 10, at 9:36 AM EST, the lunar eclipse in Gemini is at 18 degrees. Before we talk about it, go here first to see your own natal chart. You’re looking specifically for the Gemini glyph so that you can tell in which house the eclipse falls. Let’s say Gemini appears on the cusp of your 10th house at 23 degrees. Since the eclipse is at 18 degrees Gemini, your ninth house rather than your tenth would be the impacted. For what the houses mean, click here.
Lunar eclipses not only impact our inner lives, but also the women in our lives. (The moon in astrology is considered to be feminine and the sun is thought of as masculine.) Gemini rules communication, travel, our conscious minds. So with a lunar eclipse, our inner worlds become more conscious. Whatever we need to know becomes glaringly obvious. It could concern a relationship, something about your job or profession, some element of your personal life. Something - or someone - is "eclipsed," marginalized, and that's what you see.
The solar eclipse of November 24-25 and this eclipse occur on an axis of energy. If the SE fell in your first house of self, then this one falls in your seventh house of partnerships. If the SE fell in your second house of money and values, this one falls in the eighth, the house of shared resources and your partner's income, and so on around the zodiac. For me, these two eclipses fall on my financial axis – the second house of money and values and the eighth house of shared resources, partner’s income, and things that go bump in the night. Sometimes, lunar eclipses spell a culmination or the end of something. For me, it could be that a source of income is reaching an end. Or, equally likely given my interests, I have some sort of powerful psychic experience that answers questions I have.
So once you determine which house is affected by the lunar eclipse, look to the opposite side of your chart to see where the SE hit on November 24-25. Let’s say the lunar eclipse occurs in your tenth house – your professional life and career. That means the SE in November occurred in your fourth house – your domestic environment, home, family. One house is very public, the other very private.
Both Saturn and Neptune form strong, beneficial angles to the eclipse degree. Saturn’s angle suggests a stabilizing influence of some kind; Neptune’s angle suggests higher inspiration, spiritual issues, creativity that comes from deep within. Mars, the warrior, forms a challenging angle to the eclipse degree, so it’s best to avoid confrontation on or around the time of this eclipse. Uranus, the planet of sudden, unexpected events, turns direct the same day as the eclipse, in Aries, so there’s an explosion of intense internal energy.
Mercury is still retrograde until December 13 and forms a close, beneficial angle to Uranus. Sudden, unforeseen – and positive news – is a distinct possibility.
This evening, we came up with a good thing to do on the day of the eclipse – a virtual Abraham/Hicks workshop. This workshop will the first Esther has done sine her husband, Jerry, passed away several weeks ago from leukemia. We've tried to sign up four or five times for this workshop and, true to Mercury retro, the Google checkout doesn't seem to be working. We'll keep trying.
Wishing everyone a positive, happy lunar eclipse!
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